This is an interactive timeline of the top 10 countries' participants who finished a marathon. The data was used/scraped from the Association of Road Racing Statisticians where this data is compiled (great site btw). Those interested in the code will find it on my github page.
Not too surprisingly, the US has the most Marathon finishers of any country. Interesting is Japan's increase in Marathon finishers in more recent years as well as the fluctuation in which countries occupy the top 10 with the most finishers. 2014 is incomplete because the year is not finished. The dip in 2012 is a result of the NYC Marathon being canceled.
Data: running2 • Chart ID: MotionChartID197c73527aa6 • googleVis-0.5.6
R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10) • Google Terms of Use • Documentation and Data Policy
R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10) • Google Terms of Use • Documentation and Data Policy